Sunny Sunday in Southampton
HAPPY FEBRUARY/SPRINGTIME PEOPLE! I hope you all have a great month and enjoy the (hopefully) brighter and more sunshiney, pretty days.
So this past Sunday, my sister Caoimhe was over to visit me in Southampton for the weekend, and we all (Me, Caoimhe, Sarah and Katie) decided to venture to Southampton Common - a GIANT 'park'/common quite near to where we live - about a 15 minute walk.
Caoimhe looking super chic in her new hat (H&M) ^^
It was a beautiful day on Sunday, a little chilly but the sky was bright blue and completely clear of clouds. The common is so lovely, a really relaxing place despite Sunday obviously being the most popular day for everyone to come out - families with young children running about excitedly, a group of people dressed in Medieval armour having a battle, elderly couples, people out running, people walking their dogs or having a relaxing stroll with a partner or friend. (I met a black pug and two Frenchies and they were BEYOND ADORABLE. The pug would've fit in my bag... I resisted, reluctantly.)
This house was right in the middle of the common and I just thought it was so cute and pretty, I would love to live somewhere like this ^^
I have decided I am going to start frequently taking a trip to the Common as I found it really cleared my head and I also want to exercise more and it would be the perfect place to do so, while also clearing your head of any built up worries or stresses. What better way to spend some time on a sunny Sunday? Nowadays, I feel like a lot of the time people put their own needs on the back burner in order to give more time to others or doing other things they may not enjoy as much but feel obliged to do. Although it is nice to give time to others, it is also extremely important to take some time for yourself frequently. You deserve it!
Afterwards, a pitstop for waffles and crêpes ensued, and shortly after that Caoimhe and I popped to town for a bit, ending with a mandatory Starbucks run (I got a half-caff (half de-caf) hazelnut latte with cream - this drink verges on the hypnotic. So good). After taking another trip back into town later on for dinner (Mac & Cheese with pulled pork - I couldn't let Caoimhe leave without experiencing it), the night ended with front row seats on the double decker bus home, after an unsuccessful Tesco search for White Chocolate Spread. Your average 11pm activities, you know.
There may be a photo overload in this post, but I couldn't resist. It was such a beautiful day, there was so much to take photos of! I had a lovely weekend with my sister and it was wonderful to have her come and visit. I won't see her again for a while as she is SUPER busy with University exams (being a final year Medical student and all that) so it was nice to get to spend the weekend together. Hope you enjoyed having a peak into how we spent our Sunday :)
Jeans - Topshop Leigh ripped black jeans
Boots - Primark
Jumper - Oxford University shop
Jacket - Vintage (I am absolutely obsessed with this jacket, Caoimhe bought it the day before and I just HAD to wear it for a day)
Fringed bag - H&M
Sunglasses - Primark
Thank you so much for reading!
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