Albufeira Antics
The morning of our trip to Albufeira began with a super early start, we dragged ourselves out of bed and into a taxi to head to the train station. Coffee was the first port of call - we weren't functioning very well - which was a smart move because it immediately perked us up and prepped us for the journey ahead. Also, I don't think it's possible to be more obsessed with a coffee cup than I was with the ones in Lisbon train station - LOOK HOW COOL THEY ARE. They remind me of the New Orleans cafes in the Princess and the Frog movie! Love. I may or may not have brought it home with me. As in home home. To Ireland. In my hand luggage. It is now sitting proudly on my desk as I type this, a new home for some of my make up brushes!
As I mentioned, there were approx 578 kids in our carriage, naturally, because what more could you want at that time of the morning on a three hour train journey. Our patience was wearing thin to say the least when one of the loud annoying ones pulls a flipping GUITAR out of his bag and starts banging away at it.. It's a miracle I didn't throw the poor child and his guitar out the window. ANYWAY. Love kids. Love them. Just not that many at once and not at 9am.
Please note: Major puffy eyes. All of the eye puff. All of it.
We arrived into Albufeira train station just after noon - which might I add is the cutest, vintage-y looking train stain I've ever seen. My favourite part had to be the official street sign you can see below, indicating where in the train station you could get a glass of wine. It's like they knew the journey we had just had!
From the station, we made our way to the Air BnB we were staying in, only about a 10 minute walk from Albufeira town centre which was so handy. After a quick outfit change and half-unpacking, we walked into the town and down to the beach for a bite to eat. To be honest, the food where we chose to eat was fairly rubbish BUT the cocktails were amazing so we were pleased regardless.

From there we decided to get a couple of hours of sun worshipping in - it was nice to actually get to just relax in the sun, versus walking around in it all day like we had done in Lisbon. As you can see, the glare of the sun was clearly impairing my spatial awareness as the below photo is taken at a questionable angle but oh well. At least Queen Niamh is fully in it.
Later that evening after showering our sandy selves and getting slightly dolled up, we headed out in search of some Mexican food. We had spotted this place earlier in the day on our way back from the beach and - not going to lie - the sole reason we were attracted to it was due to the fact that they gave you sombreros to wear while eating your food. Needless to say, we were two of very few people who actually kept the sombreros on for the duration of the meal after the inevitable photo op, and I must admit we got laughed at multiple times by passers-by. (WHAT-EVS they were clearly just jealous of the sombreros that we had and they didn't).

So after our Mexican feast, we decided we would have one quick drink and head home as the wedding was the next morning and we are sensible human beings.. ahem.. HOWEVER, through no fault of our own, one drink happened to be 2 for 1 cocktails and we ended up being convinced by some pretty English boys to stay out a little longer than intended - which in fact resulted in us having to escape out the back entrance of the bar after a certain point. BUT we arrived home - albeit slightly tipsy - with plenty of sleeping time still left before the big day, so all was well.
Dress - Penneys/Primark
P.S. Not preggers, that's a Taco baby.
Stay tuned for the next post about the WEDDING OF DREAMS,
Thank you for reading,
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