OOTD: Lockdown Blues
Greetings loved ones! I'm back and dressed like a fluffy, blue cloud. Puff(a) Daddy, if you will (I'll see myself out).
As you may be able to tell if you follow me on Instagram - I LOVE a monochromatic moment. Give me items of clothing in varying shades of the same colour and I'm your girl. You may also be able to tell I am having a puffa MOMENT, so excuse the frequency of which you will be seeing of varying shades of pastel puffas over the next while. Good grief, I might even do a Puffa Wishlist blog post - if that sounds like your jam let me know!
While this outfit is made up of individually basic parts, when it came together it made me happy. My trusty Zara jeans feature again in all their glory - these can do no wrong - similar ones here and here. I have a tumultuous relationship with Zara and their sizing, however, these are a dream. With that, I threw on another cream, cropped polo neck jumper - another H&M gem - and on top, this GLORIOUS sky-blue puffa (I know the word is puffer but let me live ok) that Ed snagged us from Ali Express and it is perfection. Another great buy that we both wear!
For shoes, these Adidas trainers are a little old so I have linked a similar pair (which I now need too). They are comfy and perfect for long walks which is literally all we are doing these days, but I also walked all around Pompeii, Amalfi (mountains) and Rome in these and didn't get blisters soooo - JUST SAYING.
The bag - another ASOS find which I adore - I bought it last summer so will link a couple of similar ones here (detach chain and you're good to go) here and here. Sunglasses are my all time favourite Ray Bans as per - I don't want to jinx anything but the fact that I haven't lost, sat on or somehow broken these is a bloody miracle.
While yes, the title of this post is a play on words, a PUN if you will, due to my blue outfit, I did want to mention the actual, legit lockdown blues that are swirling around at present.
I know for me, and most people I have spoken to/most of what I see online, this current lockdown has been by far the worst. Granted, none of the others were easy, but we were (blindly) let to believe there was an end in sight to those, and that all would go back to normal, and this time I think we have wised up. This is not going to be a government/politician-bashing themed blog post, I promise, I think the general consensus on that topic is well known. However, I do feel that they have let the people of this country down - and indeed governments around the world have done the same - when it comes to our mental health.
Everyone is struggling, most more than ever, and I don't feel there is enough being done. I'm not saying that I have a solution apart from: take each day as it comes and don't be hard on yourself - allow yourself the rest and comfort and food and love and help you need right now.
I know it's easier said than done, but I always remind myself to talk to myself like I would talk to my best friend. If your best friend told you they were feeling down or rubbish or couldn't get out of bed, you wouldn't say "get over it, stop feeling sorry for yourself!", you would say "how can I help you" and you would bring them snacks and blankets and crawl underneath next to them until they felt ok again. So, do the same for yourself.
I hope anyone reading this is doing okay - as okay as you can be - and know that this time, the end in sight is actually real, and it will come. I can't decide if I would rather have a definite end date like the UK have - and risk the disappointment of that not happening - or if I would just rather know that it is coming soon, and trust that.
If anyone is struggling and you feel you have no one to speak to, please reach out to me - best place is probably Instagram DMs if you'd rather not leave a comment - I'm no expert but I will try my best to offer comfort and support. We're not all in the same boat (everyone's boat is different in terms of financial stability, safety at home, mental health, health in general etc.,) but we are all in the same storm, so you are never alone.
Sending lots of love and thank you for reading,
S ✗
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