We saw two people waltzing in the street outside a music store, looking so incredibly happy and content and it made me smile to see that. That's something I think is missing from a lot of places I've been, not so much in England - definitely not in London all that much, everyone there seems quite open-minded and accepting of everybody else. But particularly where I am from at home, so many people spend so much of their time judging others for their choices or actions or clothing or who they choose to hang around with or have a relationship with or how they do or don't do their make-up and where they go and what they enjoy doing. And I have such a hard time understanding why. It seems like such a waste of energy to me.
Being in Camden, Notting Hill and in London in general really put things into perspective for me and I realised it is the open-minded, all-accepting attitude of the people there that makes it one of my favourite places to be and it's why I feel so content and at ease when I am there, despite the busyness of the city itself. It made me realise that if people can be so open-minded and free-spirited and all-accepting like that in a place that is literally just across the pond, surely everyone can try a little harder to practice that in their own lives, wherever that may be in the world. I bet you'll feel lighter, more carefree and more content once you stop concerning yourself so much with other people and what they do or wear and why they do so, and what those other people may think of you. Because really, who cares? Why should it matter? If you're happy doing something or wearing something or being with someone or doing a certain hobby, why should it matter if others have an opinion on that? Unless it's someone close to you, why should they give a damn? And why should you waste time giving a damn what they think? You know what they say, "Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter." Think about that the next time you feel insecure about the way someone looks at you and frowns or whispers to a friend. They more than likely don't matter to your life in the grand scheme of things, and instead of assuming they're saying something bad, open your mind and your heart and decide that they are complimenting you and admiring you. Do you. No matter what.
(That turned into a ramble that was not planned, but I believe it was an important ramble all the same.)
Jackie and her friend Katie wanted to get their ear pierced (tragus) while we were there, so we found a tattoo and piercing studio (there are literally TONNES to choose from, there is one every ten metres, and I am not exaggerating about that) that would do it for them. After some pep talks and calming down, they both emerged smiling, slightly sore but glad they had gone through with it.
Please feel free to share your experiences if you have ever been somewhere like this that made you feel accepted and free, or if there is some place in the world that you love for some reason, where ever that may be, or even your thoughts on what I discussed in this post about the importance and value of feeling comfortable in your skin - I would love to hear about your opinions, thoughts and experiences. Feel free to leave a comment or tweet me @Siof_ .
Thank you so much for reading,
P.s. Follow me on Instagram (@siofiee150112) for more travel photos and life updates!
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