Our third and final week in Zante was spent cramming in all the relaxing time and events we hadn't already covered in the first two weeks. Our first adventure of the week was to Cameo Island, an island which is connected to the island of Zakynthos only by a wooden and rope bridge (sturdier than it looks, I promise). The island can also obviously be reached by boat but as there are lots of people swimming, the boats can only come so far in. As you can see from the photos, it is an amazingly beautiful place, it's like stepping into another world! Not many tourists seem to know about it as it was a lot of locals that seemed to spend the day there. When you first cross over onto the island it doesn't look like much, but if you trek up the steps (and pay €5 on the way in), you get down to the beach you see in the photos.
The white linen sheets hanging over the entrance to the cove give it a Pirates of the Carribean-esque feel and despite there being quite a few people around, it was a surprisingly quiet and serene atmosphere. Danielle, Caitlin (our new Scottish friend) and I spent the entire day there, sunbathing and swimming until we all had to leave at 6 O'Clock because there was a wedding happening! It is the most beautiful location for a wedding (we have all decided we're getting married here), it's such a hidden gem and the wedding photographs would be out of this world! If you ever visit Zakynthos or any of the surrounding islands, please make a trip to Cameo Island, it's like a secret other world!

Next up was the Champagne Spray party, again taking place in Pure Beach Club. As the name would suggest, every person attending got their own full sized bottle of Champagne (the cheap kind that you could buy on the strip for €2 but STILL) and after a majorly dramatic countdown, everybody shook and popped their bottle of champagne, spraying it EVERYWHERE (as the name of the party would suggest). It was so much fun and we got absolutely soaked, needless to stay MAJORLY sticky too. These are the before shots, I don't believe the after ones are internet worthy! I wish the videos of our excursion after the party would upload - we got back to the quad only to discover we had run out of petrol for the 734627639487th time - three girls on a quad which was barely moving, covered in champagne and in hysterics is a sight I wish you could have witnessed... if anyone has me on Snapchat you'll know what I'm talking about!

The next party of the week was my favourite - it was GLITTER THEMED. The name is pretty self-explanatory and needless to stay I am STILL finding pieces of glitter in my handbags and purse - I seemed to have most of the glitter in my suitcase coming home, it shed on just about everything I touched or walked past - no human or object was safe. If you know me you will know my love for all things mermaid related/shiny so the fact that I had glitter on my skin, hence making me a shiny mermaid (obviously) made me extremely happy. Lily, Caitlin and Michael (all pictured below) were also majorly excited - Michael not so much as the glitter wasn't so manly but when we explained he could be King Trident of the merpeople (The Little Mermaid reference) he was pleased with that and succumbed to being glittered. RESULT!
Bikini - Missguided (here)
Kimono - Penneys/Primark
Choker - Urban Outfitters (similar here)
Sunglasses - Folkster
Week three also saw some final trips to the old town of Zakynthos and general exploring of the island. We sped past this building on the quad one day and I had to stop and take a photo, I think it's the coolest looking building I have ever seen! Add that to the list of dream houses/apartments I found on my trip to Zakynthos - I'm going to have to set my mind on winning the lottery sometime soon so I can at least live in ONE of these amazing locations.. a girl can dream.
Our final day in Zakynthos was spent on Banana Beach, which can be reached by quad, car, bus or boat. We had heard a lot about Banana Beach and were curious to see what the fuss was about - it did live up to expectations I must say! It was quite pricey for food and drinks but definitely worth it to spend the day there. Danielle, Caitlin and I spent hours in and out of the water, sunbathing, plotting ways we could get out of going home the next day and soaking up every last bit of Greece we could before we unwillingly packed up our things and headed back to pack our suitcases to head home the next morning.

The three weeks we spent in Greece were the best, each one even more amazing than the last. We had some of the best experiences, made priceless memories and met so many great people we will never forget.
The trek home was not at all fun, somehow the 17 hour (altogether) journey back didn't seem half as bad when we were on our way TO Zante, but on the way back it was more than bleak. Although (brace yourself for the cheese), there is that saying "every day may not be good but there is something good in every day", and despite our desire to do anything but head to the airport that morning, the taxi driver who brought us there spent the entire journey in full "chauffeur" character, addressing us both as different members of the Spice Girls and upon pulling up to the airport announced "And we check for Paparrazi, no Paparrazi ladies, coast is clear! Safe flight Ms Mel B and Ms Mel C, it's been a pleasure". He absolutely made my day and I feel like if there were ever to be a Greek male version of me - it was that taxi driver!
I hope you enjoyed this Zante/Zakynthos* series (*for those of you confused - I was too - Zante and Zakynthos are the same place. The island and town are called Zakynthos but in recent years have been shortened to Zante by tourists and non-locals. I prefer the name Zakynthos - it sounds much more exotic - but they are one and the same).
Thank you so much for reading and I apologise if I gave anyone the holiday blues by throwing it back to a sunny blog post while we are smack bang in the middle of December!
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