SO. That time of year has crept up on us again - Valentine's Day has landed. Now, for those of you in luuurve and in super fantastical relationships (happy for you, I swear), this time of year may be exciting and romantic for you and full of thoughtful gifts and giant cards and romantic gestures. I however, have never particularly loved Valentine's Day. And no, it's not because I'm bitter about being single on Valentine's Day, I just never saw the point of the whole escapade - even when I was in a relationship.
I'm one of those people that thinks you should have (and give) romantic gestures and show your love (I don't necessarily mean in the form of presents, just general gestures) all year round and not just for one day just because everything in every shop is heart-shaped and society has told you that because its February 14th you have to appreciate your loved one today. I'd much rather get flowers on a random Tuesday just because, than get them on Valentine's Day because everyone else is doing it. ANYWAY.
So last year was my first single Valentine's in a while, and although I never particularly liked Valentine's anyway - relationship or not - it was still kind of strange that there was zero potential of any cheesy card the size of a small car coming, or flowers or silly heart shaped chocolates. It wasn't the most pleasant realisation when I woke up the morning before and realised the date and that I didn't even have so much as HALF a 'Valentine', while bracing myself for everyone on Instagram inevitably hash-tagging "lucky girl" and "boy did good". So, in order not to think about it, myself and one of my best friends Clare decided we would have Anti-Valentine's Day. She came over the night before and we made a GIANT dish of Mac and Cheese and ate it all between us, then also made triple chocolate cookies which we ate for breakfast on Valentine's morning. We wore black and decided we had celebrated this godforsaken occasion in the best manner possible. We weren't bitter or sad - just over the idea. I have to say I recommend celebrating Valentine's with friends, if you don't feel like boycotting the occasion completely! Friends are the original and sole loved ones before boyfriends/girlfriends come along, so why not celebrate them (again, I believe in doing this all year round).

If anyone feels the same way about Valentine's Day I would love to know your thoughts, or if you absolutely love it and think it's great feel free to let me know your thoughts as well in the comments section, I'm open to all opinions - you may be able to change my slightly cynical mind!
Thought I would add in some related screenshots I have saved to my phone that never fail to make me laugh, hopefully they will do the same for you:

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you, and if you are single for Valentine's this year, I am virtually sending you a dozen glazed donuts and a virtual card the size of your front door. Go celebrate with your friends, or if you're not feeling that, eat and watch horror movies or binge on Friends or Gilmore Girls to your heart's content. No soppy movies allowed today.
Thank you for reading,
P.s. On a slightly serious note for just a sec, please remember this VERY IMPORTANT PIECE OF INFORMATION LADIES AND GENTLEMELONS:
Just sayin'.
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