OOTD: Pastels, for Spring? Groundbreaking.

I couldn't put up a post wearing pastel colours and not have a variation of the ultimate Devil Wears Prada quote as the title - I'M SORRY - I just couldn't.

Anyway, moving swiftly along from that, I absolutely LOVE this colour. This was my all-time favourite colour when I was a child - my bedroom and everything in it was lilac/lavender, then I went off it for a few years, and now I am obsessed again, but in clothing form.

I figured this was a pretty discrete outfit to go scoping out the For Sale signs around the neighbourhood, no? The puffa (on SALE and back in stock soon), hat, sunglasses and tracksuit bottoms (another style here that I actually prefer and now want, dammit) are all Bershka- I saw the puffa first and then everything snowballed from there and next thing you know I had an entirely lilac Bershka order on the way to my house. Woops.

The cardigan is this gorgeous one from Nasty Gal, they always tonnes of similar versions available on there if you'd prefer a more cropped look, different fit etc. The bag is another Ali Express find - I also have it in white - and while I can confirm that the only thing that fits in there is my lipstick and a tampon, it is cute enough to get away with that inconvenience.

I must say the weather is seriously helping my mood this last week - the lockdown blues aren't half as bad when the actual SKY is blue and there is sunshine and it's iced coffee weather (my only vice... besides wine). I think if the weather could stay like this, the end of this lockdown would come much quicker. Please, Mother Nature, do us this one solid! 

Let me know how you're feeling, what you're buying etc so we can all feel better knowing we're not the only ones.

Thank you for reading as always,

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